Planting Your Culinary Herb Garden Perfectly

Culinary herb gardens can generally be placed in a small area that is either right outside your kitchen door, or in small planters that are located inside your home. Enjoying the planting of culinary herb gardens offer individuals the convenience of being able to grow fresh herbs, not only for the beauty they offer, but also to use them for the cooking of many delicious meals. There are some people who like to grow herbs simply for the appealing beauty that some of the plants offer, such as thyme.

Aside from being easy to grow a culinary herb garden, many people enjoy the hobby of growing a culinary herb garden because they require very little care and maintenance. Many of the herbs grow quite fast so that you can enjoy the beauty that they offer in a short amount of time.


The small amount of maintenance that is required for your culinary herb garden can be a big advantage for those individuals that do not have a lot of extra time to devote to the care and maintenance of having a garden.

Many people are delighted to learn that it is very simple to be able to create a culinary herb garden of your own to enjoy. One way to prepare a place for your garden to grow would be to use half of a barrel. You will need to fill the barrel with good soil for the herbs to grown in and drill a few holes in each side of the barrel where you can plant some parsley.

Before you know it, the parsley will cover the barrel, making it a splendid sight. Then pick from chives, sage, thyme, or many other herbs to plant in the top of the barrel.

Planting Your Culinary Herb Garden Perfectly

To learn more culinary herb gardens tips [] check out They have many articles about all sorts of herb gardening.

One great option if you're looking for an easy way to grow a fantastic herb garden is picking up herb gardening kits []. They have everything you need to get your herb garden started. It's easy to get growing today. Click that link for some great information and tips about herb gardening kits.

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What Herb is That? Quick Grab the Herbs Guide

Have you ever found yourself wondering, what herb is that? If so, then it's time to get an herbs guide to aid in your new cooking talent. An herbs guide can explain everything you need to know about herbs, including how they are grown, what they are used for in cooking and other important facts.

Some Examples of Herbs


What are some of the healthiest and most delicious herbs that are recommended by cooks and diners alike? Garlic would certainly be at the top of most people's list, as this herb delivers both great taste and other physical benefits. Garlic can prevent heart disease and cardiovascular disease, and it also shows signs of preventing cancer development.

Hawthorne berry is another well researched herb you can find in an herbs guide. This herb can improve the heart condition, as it opens the coronary arteries and helps to slow a rapid heart rate. Ginkgo Biloba helps the eyes and is very helpful to patients suffering from macular degeneration.

It is also recommended to treat problems with vertigo, depression, senility and inner ear disturbances. Licorice is also mentioned as a healthy herb, one that has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is known to ease arthritis and prevent Alzheimer's disease and is regularly found in curry dishes.

Herbs are Tasty and Healthy

However, cooking with a guide to herbs is not just about eating healthy. Some herbs are primarily used for their fantastic taste. Basil offers a popular minty taste to Italian dishes while oregano adds a spicy robust taste. Other popular types of herbs for dining pleasure include chives, cilantro, dill, hyssop, mint, ginger, parsley, rosemary and thyme.

As you read through an herbs guide you will notice that culinary herbs are slightly different from other types of extracts, such as leafy greens, spices, berries, seeds, roots, fruit or even dried leaves and roots. Culinary herbs are used in small amounts and primarily for adding flavor instead of substance. Many of the most popular types of culinary herbs are actually shrubs, including such herbs as rosemary. Others are extracts from trees, such as bay laurel, while others are extracts from botanic (or non-wooden) plants.

Spices and Herbs

In case you're wondering about the differences between spices and herbs, both terms have been used to describe dried parts of a plant, and both greatly improve the taste of food. As far as differences, spices are usually associated with aromatic plants such as pepper and cinnamon, whereas herbs tend to be associated with greener and leafier plants like mint and rosemary.

Spices tend to grow in warmer temperatures, and herbs in more temperature parts. Over time however, spices became a general term that occasionally encompasses herbs, blends and other extracts.

If you are interested in becoming a better chef, then you must open your heart to the great variety of herbs out there! Basil, oregano, mint, ginger-they all have health benefits and taste great.

What Herb is That? Quick Grab the Herbs Guide

Find yourself an herbs guide at and start learning about the different uses and benefits that come from each of these culinary gifts.

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Parsley - The Wonder Herb

When it comes to herbs, traditions have changed, varieties have increased, but through it all, Parsley has just stayed Parsley, flat or curly leaf, nothing major and no need for change. Use it as an herb or use it as a garnish, it does not matter people still love it.

Often used fresh or dried, fresh is more popular and has very easy access when purchasing it or growing it. Storing it is simple, just wrap it is a damp paper towel and place it in a baggie and store it in the fridge. Parsley is used for all kinds of sauces and salads. Parsley can pretty much be added to anything and is used often to color pesto's but it is very frequently used as a garnish.


Throughout history, parsley has been used for cooking as well as for medicinal purposes but has also been used for a lot more.

Early Greeks used Parsley to make crowns for the Olympian winners. Hebrew tradition uses Parsley as part of Passover as a symbol of spring and rebirth.

Parsley tracks all the way back to Hippocrates who used it for medicinal purposes for cure alls and as an antidote for poisons. He also used it for ridding kidney and bladder stones. Many of these prior claims have been validated through modern science and it is true that Parsley is rich in vitamin A and C and is also shown to clear toxins from the body and reduces inflammation.

Parsley has three times the amount of Vitamin C than oranges do!

Back in much earlier times, any ailments that was thought to be caused from a lack of Vitamin C was treated with Parsley such as for bad gums and loose teeth, and for brightening what were considered dim eyes. The Greeks almost feared Parsley because it was associated with Archemorus, who too was an ancient Greek. Ancient tales tell that Archemorus was left as a baby on a parsley leaf by his nurse and was eaten by a serpent. For this reason the Greeks were terrified of Parsley which sounds kind of silly now but it took a while for them to get over that.

Parsley was also used to regulate menstrual cycles because parsley contains apiol which mimics estrogen, the female sex hormone. Parsley was also used to ward off Malaria and is told to have been very successful in doing so and it aided with water retention as well.

Although these are old wives tales as some might call them when you consider them for just a minute they really do make a lot of sense. Some of these old remedies still are used in part today such as the use of Parsley for kidney stones, as a diuretic, for rheumatoid arthritis, as a stimulant, for menstrual regulation, to settle the stomach, and as an appetite stimulant.

You can purchase Parsley juice at herbal stores and it can be very healthy for you although it might not taste the greatest it can be mixed with other juices to enhance the flavor. Dried Parsley really has the least amount of nutritional value to it.

Parsley - The Wonder Herb

Be sure to visit us at [] for more information on herb, herb gardening and more.

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Milk Thistle Herb, The Amazing Liver Detoxifier

All about Milk Thistle (Silymarin)

What is Milk Thistle?


Milk thistle, also known as silymarin, is an herb that comes from the sunflower family, has purple flowers, and whose black seeds are collected and used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Silymarin is the active ingredient that is responsible for its myriad health benefits.

How can Milk Thistle benefit you?

Milk thistle is a potent antioxidant (many times more so than Vitamin E and C). Antioxidants help scavenge free radicals, which are highly reactive substances that attack and may damage the DNA of healthy cells, resulting in premature aging and disease. Its major benefit is that it has been shown to protect and enhance the function of the liver.

The liver is the body's second largest organ, which is responsible for detoxifying pollutants and processing nutrients and fats. Specifically, milk thistle prevents the depletion of glutathione, which is a substance that is crucial for the liver's role in detoxification. It also helps promote the regeneration of new liver cells.

It can alleviate a host of ailments associated with the liver, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. People who drink alcohol (a toxin the liver must neutralize) can benefit by its dietary inclusion; alcohol depletes glutathione, which milk thistle helps replenish.

Another noted benefit is the herb's ability to reduce inflammation, and may retard skin cell proliferation, a mechanism that can lead to such conditions as psoriasis.

Lastly, this herb may offer help for endometriosis (one of the most common causes of infertility in women) as it allows the liver to process estrogen more effectively.

Precautions about Milk Thistle Extract

Almost no known adverse side effects, other than a possible temporary mild laxative effect.

Nutritional-Supplement-Info's opinion

The evidence for milk thistle's efficacy is significant; it is among the world's most thoroughly studied and scientifically researched herbs. Most of the documented benefits concern its ability to assist the function of the liver, but more recent research is shedding light on its role as a cancer preventing agent, although such findings are still preliminary.

Because of its numerous documented benefits, along with an almost total scarcity of harmful side effects, we believe it is a supplement well worth checking out.

Milk Thistle Herb, The Amazing Liver Detoxifier

Dan Ho is chief editor of Nutritional-Supplement-Info. Visit milk thistle for more info on this herb and tips on choosing a product.

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Herb Garden Plans - Guide For Beginners

There are some different herb garden plans. Some of them are very common to homeowners and gardeners. Each plan has its certain advantages to your favorite herbs. You will notice that some of those plans can be more suitable than the others. This depends on the space and the time you consider to commit in your herb garden.

You can plan your herb garden using containers. This growing method of herbs is the most popular in terms of herb gardening. However, you must keep in mind that in choosing a pot or container for your herbs, choose the pot that is big enough to accommodate your chosen herbs. You should choose a pot that allows a big space for every herb that you want to grow in it. Do not plant your seedlings too crowded in the pot and choose the type of herbs that can grow in similar soil environment and sun condition for your single pot.


Then, of course, it is better if you can plant your herbs in individual pots. If you have money to buy pots, buy pots for every type of herbs you plan to grow. In this way, you can be sure that your herbs will grow equally and healthier in their preferred soil condition. Some herbs that can grow large like the rosemary can also be kept in their manageable size. Using pots that are not bigger than three gallons, you can keep your large herbs at bay.

You can also design or accentuate your porch, or patio, or kitchen using the different groups of herbs planted in your pots. If you plan to plant herbs for the purpose of drying them and saving them for later use, planting them outdoors is such a great idea. You can have your favorite dried herb in winter time. It is relatively simple and easy to design and construct your basic herb garden if you already have some experience in gardening. Water, sun, and soil are the three main preferences in obtaining a healthy and beautiful garden of herbs.

Remember to estimate and anticipate the height and the branch spread of your herbs if you are going to plant them in a bed. In this way, you can be sure that your plant will grow properly. Planting herb for decoration purposes require some advanced garden planning. If you are a beginner, using graph papers and drawing scaled sketches of your thought herb bed is very helpful. You can also look at some old magazines or photographs of garden herbs so you can make a pattern out of it. Furthermore, you can also search in libraries as well as online for ideas and plans in herb gardening.

Herb garden plans are easy to follow and make. Just try to understand them and let your creativity do the sketching. You can also look at your neighbors' garden plans and then study their gardens and think of the best garden plan for your herb. Your garden, patio, or kitchen will not only look great, but also your meals can have your favorite herbs without spending your time going at your local market to buy your needed herbs for flavoring your cooked food.

Herb Garden Plans - Guide For Beginners

Tim is an experienced herb gardener and loves to grow herbs. To learn more about herb garden plans as well as other great herb gardening, planting, growing and using techniques check out his dedicated herb growing and care website

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Alfalfa Herb - Alfalfa Benefits from the 'Father of All Foods'

The Arabs named it alfalfa meaning 'father of all foods.' It is also called Buffalo Herb, Lucerne, and Purple Medic. The ancient Greeks used it to treat bladder and kidney conditions. The Chinese use alfalfa herb to treat kidney stones. For 1500 years it has been used as a food and herbal medicine. So what makes alfalfa so good?

First, the alfalfa herb is rich in vitamins A (eye health), E (heart and cardiovascular health), U (treats peptic ulcers), B6 (stimulates protein and fat metabolism), K (blood clotting and liver functions), and D (regulates the use of calcium and phosphorus in the body). Second, alfalfa contains many valuable minerals such as calcium and phosphorus (bone and teeth health), iron (needed in hemoglobin), manganese (lowers blood sugar levels), potassium (muscle tone and nerves), chlorides (regulates fat, sugar and starch metabolism), sodium (regulates fluid balance), and silicon magnesium (stimulates brain function).


Alfalfa also contains eight essential enzymes: Amylase (acts on starches), Coagulase (clots blood), Emulsin (acts upon sugar), Invertase (converts cane sugar to dextrose), Lipase (fat splitting), Pectinase (forms vegetable jelly), Peroxidate (oxidizing effect of the blood), and Protase (digests proteins). These in turn help in digesting all four classes of food: proteins, fats, starches and sugars. The alfalfa herb is also rich in protein and fiber.

Alfalfa benefits lower cholesterol by attracting it to itself before the cholesterol can stick to vessel walls. The chlorophyll, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins all aid digestion and help stimulate appetites. As a mild diuretic and laxative, it may improve appetite and relieve some causes of swelling. The chlorophyll in alfalfa helps fight bad bacteria. Alfalfa may help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels which can benefit heart health. It is used in the treatment of urinary tract infections, as well as problems with the prostate, kidney, and bladder. Alfalfa has anti-inflammatory qualities and thus can relieve pain associated with arthritis and bursitis.

Consider this list of alfalfa benefits in child birth: relieves problems of morning sickness, constipation, anemia, and heartburn; vitamin K reduces postpartum bleeding and increases K level in the baby; increases and sustains milk supply; reduces swelling, and balances blood sugar levels. Alfalfa may reduce hot flashes in menopausal women as well.

The nutrition of alfalfa may be ingested as leaves or as a tea. It can also be purchased as a liquid, tablet, or capsule. Not all the benefits listed above may be desirable. For example, because of its blood thinning qualities, it is not recommended for those with lupus. The alfalfa herb certainly deserves the name 'the father of all foods.' Such a multitude of alfalfa benefits should motivate more people to get in on its goodness.

Alfalfa Herb - Alfalfa Benefits from the 'Father of All Foods'

As amazing as the alfalfa herb is, there are other herbs that are equally important to round out your diet. Learn more alfalfa benefits and get the critical information that will have you feeling amazing as your body runs like it was meant to.

Visit : What to do to lose weight

How to Succeed With an Indoor Herb Garden

If you like cooking with herbs and have a wish for an herb garden, but don't have the yard space, consider an indoor herb garden. The most common type of indoor herb gardens are those in which you have a long windowsill and space to place pots on it. But don't despair; there are other ways to grow herbs indoors.

The first thing to consider before starting your indoor garden is that it should have ample light and be unreachable by children and pets. The next thing you need to decide is how large your herb garden can be in the location you have selected. The herbs you plant will all grow to different proportions, some much larger than others, so be sure to plan appropriately.


Select herbs for your herb garden that will grow well together. Some types of herbs will actually take over other less resilient herbs and the result is a hybrid of both. A well known example of this is the oregano plant being planted too close to a peppermint plant. The result is a new plant that will smell like both oregano and peppermint.

Decide what herbs you are interested in planting and how they will be used. You might consider herbs for cooking and herbs for potpourri. There are many different types of herbs and due to those that do not grow well together, you must first complete your research on their growing conditions and their suitability for your indoor herb garden.

Some herbs are harder to grow than others while an herb like chives is hardier and likely to grow in more areas. Make sure the types you select will grow well in room temperature. An indoor herb container garden will add some color to your rooms if grown in the correct light and temperature.

With an indoor garden, you can have fresh herbs throughout the coldest part of the year. Just be sure to move the herbs as needed to ensure they always receive the right light for optimal growing conditions. Your indoor herb garden will also provide some of the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for good health, such as cayenne.

For hundreds of years, herbs have been grown for medicinal purposes. For example, Echinacea has proven to be an herb that can shorten the length of a cold. This can be grown in your indoor herb garden along with other herbs that can treat depression during the cold winter months.

Purchase your herbs from a well established nursery that can provide you with information on indoor growing conditions. With the help of an expert, you should be able to follow their instructions to maintain a healthy indoor garden throughout the year. Along with the information provided about each herb that will describe the benefits in detail, anyone should be able to produce a wonderful indoor herb garden addition to the most suitable room in their house.

How to Succeed With an Indoor Herb Garden

Joy Alderson writes custom articles for an online marketing company.  Call today to receive a FREE website marketing strategy for your small business ( ).

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Spices vs. Herbs: What's the Difference?

Spices and herbs are common in most foods around the world today. Both are used to flavor foods and some for medicinal purposes. Herbs and spices have both been prominent throughout human history. In earlier times, herbs and spices were considered luxuries and only available for the use of the wealthy. Herbs and spices were also traded frequently between nations in medieval times. Many people do not know the difference between an herb and a spice. There are many similarities between the two, and some of the differences are very subtle, but they are still valid.

The essential difference between an herb and a spice is where it is obtained from on a plant. Herbs usually come from the leafy part of a plant, and are usually dried. However, some herbs can be used fresh. Spices can be obtained from seeds, fruits, roots, bark, or some other vegetative substance. Spices are not necessarily as fresh as some herbs can be. Herbs can be found many places around the world, while spices are more commonly found in the Far East and tropical countries. Herbs are considered to have a few more uses than spices. For instance, herbs have been used more frequently than spices in the medical field. Also, herbs can and have been used to augment cosmetics and preserve foods.


Some argue that there is no distinction between herbs and spices, considering both have similar uses. However, a botanical definition reveals that an herb is a plant that doesn't produce a woody stem. It is common knowledge that in certain areas of the United States, a dried herb is considered to be a spice. This leads to more confusion because if a spice is simply an herb, then there cannot be a difference between the two. However, believing this is ignoring the fact that many herbs tend to be leafy green substances and spices are found in plants that are tropical in nature.

Because herbs and spices have so many uses and are great food flavorings, they have played important roles throughout history. The Portuguese navigator, Vasco Da Gama, sailed to India in search of spices. Even Christopher Columbus described the types of spices available in the "new world" to investors after he landed. Herbs have been used throughout history for medicinal purposes. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), herbology (the study of herbs for medical purposes) has been used for thousands of years.

The debate between herbs and spices is ongoing. Some say that there is no difference, while others maintain that they are both completely different. Most learned scholars will say that the difference between an herb and a spice is found in where the herb or spice is obtained on the plant, and where that specific plant can be found.

Spices vs. Herbs: What's the Difference?

Sam Herbert recommends the Monterey Bay Spice Company for bulk herbs.

My Links : Natural body spa

Health Benefits of Shiso - What Can This Herb Do For You

The concept of natural medicine and using items to help heal your body naturally is certainly nothing new. In fact, this idea has been around for ages. Now it might be considered 'alternative medicine' compared to the technology that exists these days, but some people still prefer to use a natural healing method rather than lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry. One of things that can be used for such a task is something known as Shiso. This is simply an herb that is a part of the mint family. It is found quite commonly in places like China, Japan, Vietnam and India.

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons why people like to use Shiso is for its ability to help make the skin look healthier. These mint tea leaves can work from the inside to help give your skin a more lustrous shine, not to mention a better overall complexion. The reason these tea leaves are able to help the skin look so much better is because of a few different reasons. These tea leaves are loaded with different properties such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic components. Not only do these agents help make the skin look better, but they can also help improve the overall health of your immune system.


One of the reasons why Shiso tea leaves are able to help improve the condition of the skin has to do with all of the natural vitamins and minerals that are found inside of the leaves themselves. This type of tea is very simple to make and can be consumed either piping hot or ice cold. Not only is it available in tea form that you can drink, but other products also make use of its natural properties. It can also be found in things like lotions, moisturizers and soaps.

The oil that is found inside of Shiso tea leaves is extracted by heavily compressing the seeds. This oil has a lot of uses on its own and is usually more sought after for these other uses than it is for its taste. Some of the health benefits of this oil include being a great source for omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for improving immunity, helping to prevent cancer and heart disease. In addition to medical benefits, the oil that comes from these leaves can also be used in creating various paints, lacquers, printing inks, varnishes and linoleum.

Health Benefits of Shiso - What Can This Herb Do For You

Many people are not aware there is a healthier Japanese herbal tea than Green teas, called Tenchicha. The tea contains 12 herbs with no caffeine. Mr. Kumagai is the president of Eco Vita, which provides information on health benefits of herbal products including tenchicha. For more detail, please visit

Tags : World Health Club The stress no more Yoga

Rosemary Herb Recipes

Rosemary bushes are among people's favorite plants. The rosemary herb looks good and it helps you create great meals. Rosemary bushes are sturdy and they can survive dry summers or cold winters. Plus, you can pick the herb all year round and use them for cooking or medicinal purposes. One of my favorite recipes is the rosemary herb bread.

For example, you can do Roast Lamb with rosemary and some garlic. It will give a specific scent and you will love the taste. It is one of those spices that will make cooking seem easy. You can add a glass of wine to that roast lamb and serve it with some salad. You friends will love it! Add some butternut squash if you want to.


Another great rosemary recipe is the Rosemary Cake presented in the Nigella Lawson's book 'Feast'. The cake is presented in the Funeral Feat category. She says that rosemary is the remembrance herb. This type of cake works for many occasions because it is not too sweet, and not to spiced. You have to add apples into it and the rosemary herb will transform it into a aromatic treat. While the rosemary is placed on top of the cake, it releases some aromatic oils into the treat. Many people love it.

Also, you can try to make rosemary herb tea. You have to put a cup of hot boiling water over the rosemary leaves and let it stand there for up to 10 minutes. This is one revitalizing tea that will relieve your stress. Also, it acts as an anti-inflammatory. Plus, you can drink this tea for medicinal purposes because it will allow you to absorb calcium. These are a few reasons why you can start planting a rosemary bush in your garden or in a pot. It will take just a few minutes and taking care of it is very easy to do.

Rosemary Herb Recipes

Read more about rosemary benefits... Visit... Rosemary Herb Recipes

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Aloe - Uncover The Healing Properties Of The Herb

Aloe is genus containing approximately 400 species of succulent herbs. Aloe is common in tropical and subtropical areas of South Africa, Madagascar and Arabian peninsula. Aloe is often grown as ornamental plant in pot. The herb has been used for medical purposes throughout history and is proven to be of great help when dealing with various health problems.

The plant has a stem that grows to a height of 4 meters. The stem might have either few or no branches. The fleshy and thick leaves are up to 20 centimeters. The cluster of aloe blossoms is at the top of the plant. The simple perianth is usually orange, white or rosy-yellow. However, aloe flowers rarely.


The most common species used for medical purposes are krantz aloe, aloe striatula, aloe vera and aloe ferox. You should collect leaves of the herb and use them within 24 hours after collecting. You can juice the leaves, as well, and use either fresh juice or vaporized juice as a part of compound remedy. Keeping the leaves in a dark and cool (at a temperature between 4 and 8 degrees Celsius) place for 12 days produces various biochemical changes in them. As a result, the leaves obtain biostimulation properties, such as, the ability to regenerate cells and tissue.

  1. Aloe leaves contain emodin, mucilaginous substances, vitamins, ferments, bitter substances and other biologically active substances.

  2. Aloe possesses bile-moving and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the herb is proven to facilitate intestinal peristalsis, cause diarrhea and stimulate the movement of digestive apparatus. Aloe increases the protection ability of the body.

  3. Aloe juice can be used to stimulate your appetite, improve digestion, get rid of constipation, treat damaged skin and mucous membrane, and strengthen your body after diseases. Simply take a teaspoon of the juice 3 times a day half an hour before meal. Weakened patients and children should make a remedy by mixing 100 grams of aloe juice, 500 grams of granulated walnuts, 300 grams of honey and juice of 3 or 4 lemons. Take a teaspoon of the mixture 3 times a day half an hour before meal.

  4. Juice aloe leaves and use the juice externally, as well, to treat purulent wound, ulcer, burn, frostbite and trophic ulcer. Diluted juice is a great remedy to deal with oral inflammation, gingivitis and pharyngitis.

  5. Aloe juice and remedies made of it are not advisable for pregnant women, people suffering from bleeding piles and women during their periods. It is due to the biologically active substances the remedies contain. These substances stimulate the rush of blood to the pelvic area. Before using any aloe remedy, you should talk to your doctor.

Extract, tincture and juice of aloe leaves are used to make various cosmetic products and medicament.

Aloe - Uncover The Healing Properties Of The Herb

Arta enjoys writing articles on diverse topics related to the health, beauty, exercises. Her website contains stretch jeans for women reviews. In addition, it describes various styles of stretch jeans for women to help to choose the right ones.

Recommend : The stress no more Help Me Sleep Well Exercise Workouts

Herb Garden Pests and Safe Pest Control

One of the most rapidly growing hobbies right now is herb gardening. It seems like gardens are popping up everywhere with people trying to eat healthier, more organically, and without straining the environment. Growing your own herbs is also a great way to save on groceries with food prices increasing all the time. Since there are so many people that are now getting into gardening it is important for them to get information about how to care for their new gardens. The biggest concern that a person will probably have with a garden is herb garden pests and safe pest control. There are many different types of herb garden pests so it is important to do some research and find out how you can safely protect the herbs that you worked so hard to grow.

There are basically 2 different types of herb garden pests and safe pest control measures can be taken to prevent both types. The first type of garden pests are insects. If left alone insects can destroy an herb garden pretty quickly so it is important to take necessary precautions to avoid insect infestation. You will want to get rid of places where bugs can live, such as leaves, debris, tools, etc. You should move all of the waste material to your compost bin to eliminate these living spaces. During the colder months, when nothing is growing, you will probably want to spray insecticide. Make sure to read the directions on the packaging, as you may do serious damage to the soil if you apply the spray incorrectly. One thing that you need to realize as a gardener is that there are both good and bad insects. If you have a question about which bugs are good and which are bad, you can catch one in a jar and take it to a local garden supply store, as they will be able to tell you what the insect is.


The other type of herb garden pests and safe pest control against them are varmints and birds. Poisoning these animals can be effective but you will need to be extremely careful, especially if you have pets that go out into the garden area.

Learning more about herb garden pests and safe pest control is not difficult. There are actually a variety of different websites that have tips and suggestions on how to protect your garden from the different pests that are out there. Search the Internet for these sites and take some time to read the suggestions that are available.

Herb Garden Pests and Safe Pest Control

For more information on growing and maintaining a home herb garden, including pest control supplies, please visit:

My Links : The stress no more Massage Help Me Sleep Well

Frankincense - The Medicinal Herb

Frankincense or olibanum is well known for one good reason as it was one of the three gift to the baby Jesus brought from the Three Kings. It has been around well before this time. Frankincense was found in the tomb of the ancient Egyptian King Tutankhamen over 3300 years ago. Going back even further, frankincense has been traded on the Arabian Peninsula and in North Africa for more than 5000 years.

Herbs have many uses including culinary, medicinal and even spiritual uses. With the medicinal or spiritual use is it considered the tag 'herbs' covers all parts of the plant including leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, resin, root bark, inner bark and berries. Taking this into account, frankincense technically a herb. This will surprise many, including myself.


Basically the herb frankincense is an aromatic resin manufactured from Boswellia tree. Frankincense is used in perfumery and aromatherapy. The olibanum essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dry resin. It is used as an incense and in many perfumes. It is not only in the perfume industry, but is also found in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

The Boswellia trees have to be about 8 to 10 years old to start producing the resin. They are harvested 2 to 3 times a year. Omani frankincense is said to be the best in the world with a close second from resins produced from the north coast of Somalia. Trees are extremely hardy sometimes seemingly growing directly out of solid rock. The aroma from the tears are considered valuable for their healing abilities and religious ritual

The method is for frankincense to be tapped by scraping the bark, which releases resins that will bleed and harden. There are many varieties of frankincense trees, each with its own unique type of resin. Soil and climate differences give even more varieties of the resin.

Christian and Islamic faiths have often used frankincense mixed with oils to anoint newborn infants and individuals considered to be moving into a new phase in their spiritual lives.

Frankincense is actually edible and often used in various traditional medicines in Asia for digestion and healthy skin. The edible frankincense must be pure for internal consumption, meaning it should be completely translucent, with no black or brown impurities. It is often light yellow with a hint of green. It is often chewed like gum, but is a bit stickier as it is a resin.

In India frankincense as medicine has been used for hundreds of years for treating arthritis. Burning frankincense repels mosquitoes and thus helps protect people and animals from mosquito-born illnesses.

Incense preparations is effective for the treatment of Crohn's disease. The use of incense on the accompanying specimens of brain tumors and frankincense smoke as a psychoactive drug that relieves depression and anxiety in mice. Human patients that received the frankincense extract showed significant improvement in their arthritis.

It is a sign of greed in these parts that the trees have seen to now be in decline due to over-extraction of resin in recent years as this affect the germination of the seeds. This germination level has dropped from 80% to 16%. This will now lead to lower supplies and higher prices of course.

So, now you know more about frankincense when little Jimmy acts as one of the three Kings giving the herb, you can answer his questions on it. When I taught in Primary Schools in England, we used real frankincense and actually burned some in the classroom to give the children a 'taste' of the distinctive scent they give off. All these children will take this memory on to adulthood and never forget that moment whenever frankincense is mentioned.

Frankincense - The Medicinal Herb

Martin Miller-Yianni


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So What is Up With Ginger - Is it a Spice Or an Herb?

Although most kitchen spice cabinets include a jar of ground ginger, it is usually considered a spice and one does not think of adding ginger herb to a recipe, one would add ginger spice. Ginger spice is added to Ginger Snaps, Ginger Bread, Ginger Ale, Gingered Chicken, and Gingered Pumpkin Cheesecake, face it, the spice "ginger" is called for in many recipes. So, is ginger a spice or an herb? Well, ginger is a spice. . . and. . . an herb.

By definition, herbs are the leafy parts of plants and shrubs used for flavoring foods, medicinal applications or the oil essence harvested for body care products. An example of an herb would be the leafy parts of ginger, parsley, rosemary, lavender and cilantro. Spices are harvested from the flowers, seeds, bark or roots of plants or trees. Examples would include; cinnamon (bark), coriander (seed of the cilantro plant), cloves, saffron and root of the ginger. Your eyes are not deceiving you - I do have ginger listed under examples of both spice and herb. Cilantro is a cross-over also, the leaves of the plant are by definition an herb and the seed of the plant is a spice, named coriander. Coriander really confused me when I first started cultivating herbs. I looked high and low for cilantro seeds at the nursery. When I finally asked the clerk for assistance, I was handed a seed packet with "coriander seeds" boldly written across the top of the package and a lovely picture of a healthy cilantro herb plant on the bottom. That incident prompted my first purchase of a book on herb gardening.


The line of terminology between classification of herb or spice has largely become interchangeable depending upon culinary usage according to the American Spice Trade Association). Plants, seeds and roots used for medicinal properties are commonly termed "herbal" Ground herbs used in cooking applications call for "spice". Confused yet? Maybe this example will help. Ground ginger (spice) is used in baking cookies. Ginger root (herb) is steeped in boiled water for tea used in a medicinal manner.

However it is classified, ginger is an extremely versatile herb for medicinal purposes. Ginger root may be used to chew on to alleviate nausea (motion sickness), it may be used steeped in teas to alleviate chest congestion, to alleviate gas pains and flatulence (mince the root and add to baked beans), treating asthma, bronchitis and the list goes on. However it is classified, ginger is an extremely versatile spice for culinary applications; dessert recipes, beers, soda flavorings and this list goes on too.

Herb or spice, ginger is one of my favorites!

So What is Up With Ginger - Is it a Spice Or an Herb?

Sandra is a gardening enthusiast, and enjoys helping others get the best out of their herb gardens. Her newest book, teaches gardeners everything they need to know about starting, maintaining and getting the most out of their growing herbs in pots []. For more great information on herb gardens, visit []

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Why Buy an Herb Grinder?

It is sometimes a burden, and a headache, to break down mass amounts of herbs by hand, and thus the herb grinder finds its perfect use. By using a grinder, one may save minutes in the process of breaking down plant material. This means more time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Why put in the extra effort when you don't have to?

Herb grinders also allow adults to show off their own counter culture. At parties and social gatherings, grinders are notoriously useful. An individual may attain a certain rush for being in charge of the grinding and sifting process. It allows the owner to take a crucial role in the fun activities and preparation of such activities. Herb grinders can be lightweight, small, and easily fit into a pant pocket or purse.


Plastic, aluminum, zinc alloy, and wood are just a few of the materials grinders can be made from. When purchasing a grinder for yourself, or someone special, keep in mind that they are also a personal expression, and certain materials aren't always right for certain people. For example, if you are a clumsy individual, plastic may not be the right choice for you. Although plastic grinders can come in the most variety of colors and unique engravings, dropping one of these can cost you another trip to the store! This is why, aluminum or zinc alloy is the number one choice by consumers who want a unique item that will practically last a lifetime, with the proper cleaning, of course. They come in so many different colors and sizes, and can be engraved with art or logos befitting your personal style. Grinders are a great way to show of your personality, and finding the perfect grinder is an experience you will enjoy undertaking!

Herb grinders come in many different sizes as well. There are two, four, and even five piece grinders. Choosing the right size for you, may depend on the quantity of herbs you are working with, and how fine you want your end result to be. For example, by owning a four piece herb grinder, you will be able to grind up plant material, herbs, and spices into different particle sizes. In the first Compartment, the material is ground and sifted into a second chamber through holes in the base of the first compartment. This chamber is separated by the final chamber by mesh that only allows very fine particles to fall through, perfect for pollen collection!

After you finally make the decision to purchase a grinder, the next big question will be to clean it. When cleaning the grinder, the first step will be to disassemble all of the parts and remove any particle matter, using a q-tip, or a small plastic scraper that comes prepackaged with many grinders. Some plastic grinders are dishwasher safe and can easily be cleaned in that way. The next step, when cleaning metal or aluminum, is to fill an airtight container with isopropyl alcohol, 90% or higher. Place the grinder pieces into the container and close the lid. Let the parts soak for ten minutes then shake the container gently to shake off other particles. Finish by scrubbing away any other particles with a q-tip dipped in the alcohol. Gently brush the mesh screen with a toothbrush. Once done, rinse the grinder with water and let dry. Now you can reassemble your herb grinder.

Why Buy an Herb Grinder?

Adrianna Wallace is an author for Jamullah Art and Poetry Magazine. Jamullah offers a top-notch herb grinder on Freedom Gifts. Pollenator Herb Grinders can be used to cut down time in breaking down herbs. Visit [] to purchase a pollenator herb grinder today!

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Zodiac Home Herb Garden

Cultivating a zodiac home herb garden has been practiced amongst many civilizations for centuries. In fact, once upon a time every doctor too was an astrologer because having knowledge of astrology and the zodiac was absolutely essential in being able to diagnose and treat many types of illnesses. There are specific illnesses most commonly associated with a particular zodiac sign. Having this knowledge enabled the doctor to assign a particular herb or herbs to the patient.

A zodiac garden is tailored to an individuals astrological sign. Our ancestors studies the universe, the stars, the planets and nature thus structuring their lives around the amazing sciences stored in the universe. Specific to this topic, these findings provided a clear direction for knowing which types of herbs to plant and when to plant them.


Many individuals of today are carrying on this practice and personalizing their gardens to their specific astrological signs. The following is an outline of the twelve astrological signs, the body parts that is ruled by the sign, and the herbs associated with the corresponding sign:


Body: Head

Herbs: carnation, chervil, basil, nettle, catmint, wormwood, geranium, cypress pine.


Body: Neck & Throat

Herbs: primrose, mint, thyme, violet, marshmallow, catnip, rose, carnation, saffron, honeysuckle, jasmine, tansy, wormwood, yarrow, soapwort.


Body: Hands, Arms, Shoulders And Lungs

Herbs: mint, parsley, anise, Dill, lavender, marjoram, licorice, fennel, honeysuckle, horehound, oregano.


Body: Breast And Stomach

Herbs: parsley, sage, aloe, evening primrose, myrtle, cinnamon, lemon balm, hyacinth, bay leaves, water lily.


Body: Buttocks, Lower Back And Kidneys

Herbs: Catnip, thyme, elderberry, iris, lilies, ivy, St John's wart, lemon balm, bergamot.


Body: Back, Spine & Heart

Herbs: dill, lemon balm, tarragon, rue, chamomile, clove, sandalwood, frankincense, camphor, eyebright, sunflower.


Body: The Genitals

Herbs: catmint, basil, sage, catnip, honeysuckle, nettle, onion, coriander, garlic, wormwood, elder.


Body: Liver, Thighs & Hips.

Herbs: chervil, saffron, sage, basil, sage, borage, nutmeg, clove.


Body: Knees, Bones & Joints

Herbs: dill, tarragon, caraway, rosemary, chamomile, lambs ears, rosemary, marjoram.


Body: Ankles, Circulatory System & Shins

Herbs: daffodil, sage, comfrey, rosemary, valerian, fennel, mint.


Body: Feet

Herbs: sage, lemon balm, basil, lilac, nutmeg, borage, lilies, clove.


Body: Intestines & Nervous System

Herbs: chervil, dill, caraway, mint, morning glory, lily, horehound, lavender, marjoram.

Each sign of the zodiac is associated with one of the following four elements; these elements are water, air, fire and earth. As the moon is traveling through a particular sign of the zodiac it is in one of the four aforementioned elements. For instance, if the moon is in an air sign like Libra it is a good time to plant herbs and root crops. The following is an outline of each element, its corresponding zodiac sign and the ideal time to cultivate and/or harvest your herbs:

Element- Earth: Zodiac Sign: Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. These signs are fertile signs and therefore a good time for growing herbs.

Element- Water: Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. It is a good Idea to plant annuals in these signs.

Element- Fire: Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius, Leo & Aries. It is best to harvest during these signs.

Element- Air: Zodiac Sign: Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. Harvesting or cultivating is ideal when the moon is in an air sign.

Happy Zodiac Gardening!

Zodiac Home Herb Garden

Janet Suzalski is an herb garden enthusiast and enjoys spending her time writing & teaching others about herb gardening. For more great information and tips on cultivating a home herb garden visit her site at and while you are there feel free to sign up to her FREE Mini-Course on Herb Gardening Secrets.

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Tarragon - The Anise-Scented Herb for Chicken and Fish

Tarragon is a perennial herb and a member of the aster family, Asteraceae. Native to western Asia and Siberia, tarragon is now cultivated in southern Europe and in North America. Two closely related plants are known as tarragon. Artemisia dracunculus is known as French tarragon and its close cousin, A. dracunculoides, is called Russian tarragon or false tarragon. Russian tarragon has coarser leaves and a less delicate flavor, so it's not considered the true tarragon. The term tarragon may be used for either plant and the herb consisting of their leaves.

The tarragons are hardy herbal plants that rarely set seeds, so propagation is usually via stem cuttings or root division. In order to keep growing the roots must experience a winter period. The root or crown should be taken up, divided and re-planted every three to four years. Leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season and the leafy tops cut back to provide fresh herb for the kitchen.


The twisted leaves of tarragon are narrow, measuring about two inches long. They are used to add flavor and scent to savory foods. The delicate, anise-scented flavor of tarragon enhances mild flavored dishes like chicken and fish. Tarragon is added to herb vinegars, dressings, sauces, fish and seafood, tartar sauce, egg dishes, pasta, poultry, pickles, tomatoes and salads. Chicken salad, potato salad, mayonnaise-based spreads for sandwiches, or sour cream dips for vegetables are delicious ways to appreciate the fresh taste of tarragon. Tarragon is an ingredient in the French herb mixture, fines herbes.

Some flavor is lost on drying, so this herb is best used fresh. However, dried chopped tarragon can be found on grocery spice shelves. Freezing tarragon is a better option than drying it as the aroma and flavor will be stronger. Place a few sprigs of tarragon in a plastic zip bag in the freezer. Use scissors to snip off the amount of tarragon needed for a recipe and replace the frozen tarragon back in the freezer. Harvest the tops of tarragon branches from the herbal garden before flowering begins for the best aroma.

Tarragon is cultivated as a flavoring agent. The herb itself is used in cooking to add its anise-like flavor to savory dishes. On a commercial-scale tarragon is distilled to obtain the essential oil, 0.3 to 1%. The main ingredient in the essential oil is methyl chavicol or estragole. Sometimes called estragon oil, oil of tarragon is used commercially as a flavoring and scenting agent. Components of the essential oil of tarragon may lend it digestive, diuretic and laxative properties.

Tarragon - The Anise-Scented Herb for Chicken and Fish

Naomi Gallagher is a writer and a fantastic cook with a love for machines that help her make the most of her time in the kitchen, like the trusty bosch stand mixer. Learn more about flavorful spices and culinary herbs by visiting kamenstein spice rack, where Naomi serves up a number of articles on the topic.

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The Oregano Herb - How to Grow, Harvest and Propagate the Plant

Oregano is a delightful perennial herb with dark green leaves in opposite pairs, and pretty flowers in pink, purple or white in color. Its flavor is very similar to that of Marjoram, but slightly stronger and more pungent.

The Oregano herb is believed to have come from Greece. Its name means "Joy of the Mountain" in Greek, and the herb is indeed found growing wild on the mountainside of Greece and the Mediterranean. Legend has it that the Greeks fed cows with Oregano to improve the taste of the meat, and Aristotle has recommended the herb as an antidote for poison after he noticed that tortoises would eat the herb after swallowing a poisonous snake.


Growing Oregano

Oregano grows best in warm climate; for the US, it would mean climate zone 5-9. It might be helpful to know that the herb prefers partial shade as its leaves can be scorched by the full sun. This makes Oregano the perfect choice in shady areas under the big tree, or corners in your garden. If you live in an area with lower climate zone, you can still include Oregano in your herb gardening, with extra care: either transplant them to pots and bring indoors before winter, or cover the plants for protection against frost and harsh winds.

Harvesting Oregano

The Oregano herb is ready for harvest once it reaches 4-5 inches in height. This plant can generally tolerate aggressive harvesting; in fact, frequent pruning can encourage stronger and healthier growth. As a good practice in herb gardening, you can inspect your Oregano for signs of pests during pruning.

Having said that, this herb attracts few pests, except maybe spider mites and aphids if the plant is grown indoors during the winter. If aphids hit, simply spray the plant with insecticidal soap.

Propagating Oregano

It is easy to propagate your Oregano and this can be done by seeding, cuttings and root division. For seeds, it will be helpful to sow them in containers and cover the seeds with only a light layer of soil. This can be done in spring or when the temperature is above 45F.

Similar to Mint, Oregano sends out runners when mature. Roots grow out from these shoots as soon as they touch the soil... While this means that the herb is very easy to propagate, there is a risk of Oregano overrunning your garden. A solution would be to contain the herb's growth in a pot (either with or without the bottom removed) and place it deep in the soil, or simply grow Oregano as a container plant.

Oregano Uses

While the Oregano herb is mostly used in perfume making in the commercial world, it has an important place in Mediterranean cooking. After all, it is affectionately known as the "pizza" herb!

If you decide to use Oregano as a culinary herb, I would recommend Greek Oregano, which has the classic Oregano flavor. Other varieties include the Mexican Oregano (mostly used as an ingredient for chili powders because of its more pungent flavor), and Golden Oregano, a variety with milder flavor and primarily used as ornamental herbs.

Lastly, a couple of tips for your culinary delight: throw in the herbs only towards the end of the cooking, as the Oregano leaves tend to turn bitter under strong heat. Also, please note that unlike most herbs, dried Oregano tastes stronger than its fresh form. Enjoy!

The Oregano Herb - How to Grow, Harvest and Propagate the Plant


Megan Saurus is a dedicated herb gardener and author, and someone who is passionate about quality cooking, health and life. Besides herb gardening, she enjoys cooking, maks potpourri gifts for family and friends, and reads with her kids. To learn about other herbs for a wonderful Italian herb garden, please visit her website at

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